Silly people doing silly things...

This morning I was feeling worse than ever and realised I needed some medication to at least deal with the symptoms. But then I remembered it was Anzac Day and all the shops were closed. In fact the only place I could find food was a MacDonalds store, but they do have some items which vaguely resemble food these days.

So I set off on the highway towards Cromwell, anticipating that at least the general direction would be down. And it was - but unfortunately, with plenty of up thrown in. 

After a while, I came to place where silly people were jumping off a bridge, with a lot more silly people looking on. I stopped for a coffee and to watch the silly people watching the silly people for a while.

Soon after the valley opened out a little. Vineyards and wineries lined the highway. It seems this region has become a centre for Pinot Noir  production in New Zealand.

Then the way plunged into the gorge again, the road became narrow, undulating and winding past the Gentle Annie and the Roaring Meg. I though it would never end.

But it did eventually - the gorge opened out and I emerged among acres of fruit orchards. Soon after I arrived at Cromwell, where I'll take a lay day to prepare for the final stages of my tour, and hopefully, to recover a little from this cold I'm suffering.

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